Best Admin Templates to Get You Started with Laravel and VueJS

Best Admin Templates to Get You Started with Laravel and VueJS

Here we look into a selection of the best Vue & Laravel admin templates

Here we look into a selection of the best Vue & Laravel admin templates

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Most admin dashboards rely on JavaScript. However, when beautiful templates and dashboards were introduced and built with Laravel and VueJS, everything has changed. So, do not be surprised to see a growing collection of admin templates designed for Laravel and VueJS.

Many developers see Laravel and Vue go together like coffee and donuts. Why? Because it makes the app building process a lot easier. For sure, you have noticed that Laravel usage comes with an option of Vue installation.

Laravel integrates well with Vue and vice versa. While it enables you to create and use Vue components as if you are using a regular HTML tag in the blade file, there is a better way to do that. You can take advantage of convenient Vue components with your Laravel infrastructure.

Below are among the best admin templates to help you get started with Vue and Laravel.

1. Vue Now UI Dashboard Laravel

Developed by UPDIVISION and Creative Time, this full-stack, free tool combines Vue plugins and components with a Laravel backend powered by AI and awesome design. The admin template’s look and feel are inspired by the NOW UI kit. This fantastic cross-platform UI kit is designed with InVision.

Vue Now UI Dashboard

Vue Now UI Dashboard

2. Vue Black Dashboard PRO Laravel 

This admin template does not only come with a dark theme but also a Laravel backend powered by AI. Since it is in partnership with UPDIVISION, you can take advantage of a comprehensive fully stacked tool to build desktop, mobile, and web apps. It is complete with the lightweight CMS’s essential functionalities, including an authentication system that’s role-based and CRUDs to manage tags, categories, items, roles, and users.

Vue Black Dashboard

Vue Black Dashboard

3. Nuxt Argon Dashboard Laravel

Nuxt Argon Dashboard Laravel is coded by UPDIVISION and Creative Tim and offers a fully functional authentication system. This free full-stack resource helps you get started with Nuxt, one of today’s most popular Vue frameworks. It has a Laravel API backend-powered user profile. It comes with a wide array of reusable UI components, modular Vuex store, plug-ins, and example pages.

Nuxt Argon Dashboard - Nuxt.js + Laravel

Nuxt Argon Dashboard - Nuxt.js + Laravel

4. Vue Paper Dashboard 2 PRO Laravel

This premium full-stack resource combines Vue plugins and components with a backend powered by AI and clean design. It helps you build complex applications faster. You can choose from more than 100 handcrafted components, CRUD endpoints, modular Vuex store, plug-in, and example pages.

Vue Paper Dashboard 2 PRO Laravel

Vue Paper Dashboard 2 PRO Laravel

5. Vuexy - VueJS & Vue + Laravel Admin

When you choose this admin template, you can take advantage of easy and effective full-stack and web app development. This highly customizable and developer-friendly admin template is based on Laravel and Vue. It offers a composition API support, light and dark version, and i18n/internationalization support. Plus, you can enjoy some of the highly utilized UI components like menu, alerts, cards, buttons, dropdowns, to name a few.

Vuexy Admin Template

Vuexy Admin Template

6. Vue White Dashboard Laravel

This free resource use two of today’s most popular frameworks; Laravel and Vue. It comes with a backend powered by AI and an elegant and simple design. It offers dozens of ready-made UP components, a user profile, a fully functional authentication system, modular Vuex store, plug-ins, and example pages.

Vue White Dashboard

Vue White Dashboard

7. Admin One

If you are looking for a free, simple, and beautiful Laravel admin template built with Buefy, Bulma, and Vue, Admin One is the answer. This free admin template features avatar and profile management with backend and fully-styled auth scaffolding. It also features a complete resource CRUD sample with a backend and front-end. What’s more, it works well with Vue rich text editor.

Admin One dashboard

Admin One dashboard

8. CoreUI - Vui.js & Laravel Admin Template

When you choose CoreUI - Vui.js & Laravel Admin Template, you can take advantage of high customizable UI components. This free admin template is used with Laravel and Vue. It supports famous frameworks like Vue.js + Laravel. Additionally, it helps you reduce marketing time through reusable components and widgets. It comes with a ready-to-use environment. This means you do not need to waste time in the project configuration.



9. Vue Material Dashboard Laravel PRO

With Vue Material Dashboard Laravel PRO, you can take advantage of a full-stack resource with tons of great functionalities. When building a specific app, this admin template allows you to go from front-end to full-stack as quickly as possible. Not only it offers you huge UI component options, but also a Laravel backend powered by AI and Vue Material front-end.

Vue Material Dashboard Laravel Pro

Vue Material Dashboard Laravel Pro

10. Vue Argon Dashboard PRO Laravel

UPDIVISION and Creative Tim built Vue Argon Dashboard PRO Laravel for building apps with Vue and Laravel. Besides using the creators’ signature Argon design system, this premium resource also offers a Laravel backend powered by AI, modular Vuex store, and Vue components. If you are a fan of a lightweight CMS, this admin template allows you to get all the CMS’s essential functionalities through the ready-to-use CRUD endpoints. Plus, you can also take advantage of the excellent-looking front-end.

Vue Argon Dashboard PRO Laravel

Vue Argon Dashboard PRO Laravel

When you choose any of the above admin templates, getting started is a lot easier with Laravel and Vue. Plus, rest assured that you will enjoy professional results, and using them is very straightforward.

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